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Just click on the "CLICK TO ACTIVATE" button.
How to install the extension?
In Chrome go to the Chrome Store and click on the "Add to Chrome" button. In Firefox go to Firefox Extensions and click on the "Add to Firefox" button. En Safari go to Safari Extension and click on the "Open". En Edge go to Edge Add-ons and click on the "Get"
How to remove the extension completely?
Google Chrome: in the Google Chrome "Settings" menu, select "Extensions" and click on the trash can icon. Firefox: Firefox options menu, select "Add-ons", "Extensions" section, click the "Remove" button. Safari: Safari menu, select "Preferences", "Extensions" section, click the "Uninstall" button. Edge: go to Edge Add-ons and click on the "Remove" button
Is there any risk?
No, the extension has been 100% developed by beruby and is free of any malware.